''Through Agribusiness & Entrepreneurship(AE), Under The African Soils Against Poverty(ASAP), 
Together and With Your Empathetic Support, We Can Easily Fight-Eradicate Hunger And Poverty!''


Brief About Twikatane e.V(Charity)
Twikatane e.V was founded in 2017 in the city of Schazenbek in Germany for one good purpose: to serve the ailing people with various problems in Germany, and to uplift many in Zambia and Africa at large.

''Twikatane'' is a Zambian Bemba language which means ''Zusammengehörigkeit'' in German and ''togetherness'' in English language.
The Taikatane founder during his life, as a child, youth, and adult, both in Zambia and in Germany, had gone through a lot of life-challenging phases which shaped him to now become a successful entrepreneur, CEO, and investor at an international stage. Hence, he thought of founding this Charity in order to use his life experiences to help others, especially, in Africa.

The deepest effects and impact of Twikatane today are being felt in Zambia, Kenya, and Congo DR where we just successfully offered a one year diploma course in Agribusiness & Entrepreneurship-AE to over 5000 needy/vulnerable 80% youths and 20% adults. Twikatane has seen the birth of the most important department called the African Soils Against Poverty-ASAP, whose purpose is to alleviate poverty in Zambia and Africa at large through sustainable agriculture in partnership with Germany and
other advanced countries. Other than AE/ASAP, there are more programs that are tailored to uplifting the less priviledged lives in Zambia and Africa.

About Mass Education In Zambia
To be launched on 17th July 2022, with the following goals and benefits to the nation of Zambia at a large, through our various programs and projects brought to Zambia:
To prevent mass exodus, especially, by youths for the western rich countries for greener pastures
Agribusiness & Entrepreneurship-AE, under the department of African Soils Against Poverty(ASAP), being our main project, trains and empowers,  millions of youths and adults. Eventually, being self-sustainable and feed the local communities and export the excess yield internationally for more revenue. The project will be the highest employer in the nation of Zambia.
Enhanced skills and innovations among the youths and adults, that will eventually turn them into creative entrepreneurs. They will ultimately be able to create job opportunities in their communities.
We have brought a number of programs and projects. But in this brief brochure we highlight the main project called Agribusiness & Entrepreneurship-AE Under African Soils Against Poverty(ASAP), as the main vehicle in wiping away hunger/poverty and the greatest jobs provider in Zambia.
Target group: The needy/vulnerable youths, adults, widows, single mothers, orphans, the girl-child, the disabled, and the old-age.

Agribusiness & Entrepreneurship-AE
Under African Soils Against Poverty(ASAP)
Regarded by us as the Project of The Century, the ASAP project, which teaches Agribusiness & Entrepreneurship(AE) course, is designed to make total use of the vast soils of Zambia and Africa for agricultural food production and eventually put a balanced diet meal on a table of every household. Also, income generation.

Following are the ASAP/AE sustainable phases that fulfill the United Nations(UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),


  • Phase 1: Counselling and Winning Mindset(CWM) training: a 4-week course given,   especially    the      needy/vulnerable,  students before they enter their mainstream of the ASAP/AE and other courses, as a way to remove all the ''poison'' from their minds due to the years of being idle at home and on streets without any proper occupation. The CWM's ultimate goal is to  prepare their minds to face a new successful life through our programs and projects.
  • Phase 2: Agribusiness, Entrepreneurship and Winning Mindset(AEWM) is taught.
  • Phase 3: Grouping the students in various specialised cooperatives.
  • Phase 4: Placing the students on the regional/provincial established farming blocks to gain practical experiences.
  • Phase 6: Graduation, partnering the student-cooperatives with Twikatane e.V(Charity)    and      Diversity Learning Institute(DLI)'s   International     Business      Trade department, and placing them on the Twikatane e.V/DLI farming blocks across Zambia and   own their    farm-portions and become entrepreneurs  with the main objective to   feed the local communities, the province, the nation,  and   export the excess to other parts of Africa, to Germany and advanced nations.


Twikatane Shop Outlets(TSOs): We create fixed and mobile shops to sell their product throughout the    region and   the country. Through the TSOs, excess products are exported to Germany and the Western nations.

ASAP Twikatane e.V-Germany & Local Cooperations
Twikatane e.V/DLI has Germany/Europe based firms and investors that partner with our cooperatives in Zambia/Africa on agricultural business development to farm and produce at commercial levels.
Together with the Germany/European based cooperators we bring farming/agricultural equipment, inputs, and resources and work with our cooperatives on a win-win bases, which sees the Zambians take a stake of at least 30-50%  equity.
To easily fulfill our main objectives in Zambia/Africa, we cooperate with the concerned government ministries. Such as education, agriculture, lands, community development, and labour.

''Hightlight!.....''We successfully ran the inaugural ASAP/AE program and taught over 5000 learners in Zambia, Kenya and Congo DR.''

Skills, Hadycraft & Vocational Programs
Meant for both the literate and illiterate with a passion to be self-sustainable through our self-empowerment programs.
Programs: Waste management, renewable energy, solar panels installation, fish farming, smart-agriculture, arts, music production, film making/production, tailoring, woodwork, metalwork, mechanics, and more!

Course Outcome & Progression
More youth and adult empowerment on being self-dependency and be able to earn financial income.
Their products find market within their communities and in other African countries, Germany and the West.
Twikatane Shop Outlets(TSOs): We create fixed and mobile shops for our students to sell their products throughout their communities and the country at large.

''We're a strong partner in fulfilling the UN's Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) in ending poverty by 2030''



 Beethovenstrasse 24, 25337, Elmshorn              Lange Reihe 47, 20099 Hamburg, Germany 
 Business Registration No.: GewA1 707-2023-AK          Tax ID No.: 58 792 166 431        Tax No.: 13 / 142 / 60958

MED ACADEMY Kalulushi, Copperbelz, Zambia
MUSAKANYA COMBINES SCHOOL  Mpika, Muchinga Province Zambia