What's New in CIU and Twikatane e.V Charity?

CIU and Twikatane e.V Charity together with its various partners has today, 31st July 2023 started to bring to your door-step the news bulletin on the EVENTS OF THE PAST AND FUTURE WEEKS. Read below!!


Updated On 5th August 2023, Germany

The Zambia's Agriculture Show

Central International University-CIU, and partners, is currently taking part in the annual Zambia's Agriculture Show running from the 2nd to the 7th of August. This is a show which brings together all walks of businesses which desplay their products. CIU, Twikatane e.V and partners African Future College LTD and St. Nicholas Community Center are part of the show.

In the pictures is the national dancing group entertaining H.E Dr. WK Nalumango the Zambia's Vice President. This perfomamce is taking place directly in front of the CIU stand. CDT Group Germany is pleased with H.E Dr. WK Nalumango for she, in 2021, blessed our formal operation on the Zambian soils through Twikatane e.V and then Diversity Learning Institute-DLI which embarked on the sponsored education to the needy/vulnerable in Zambia.


What are you waiting for? If you are in Zambia visit our stand at the showgrounds and meet our dear helpful staff, DCEO Emma Kamanga, VC Maria Brachetti, Engineer Mwape, Dr. Ponga and team. They will run you through all our programs and our current fees promotions!

Our classes start in Septermber, therefore be the first to win your scholarship!!


Change Process of CIU's Name 


Central Hamburg University-CHU has with immediate effect changed its name to Central International University-CIU. This has come into effect due to the expansion of the university regions of operation. To this effect, the logo design of the university has changed too as shown.

Zambian VIP Officlas in Hamburg-Germany

Twikatane e.V Germany has invited the Zambian government officials to come and grace a fundraising and international business seminar program slated for the 9th September 2023. This program will bring together the Zambians, Germans and other Europeans on the business platform. Full details will soon be posted on this page, look out!

This program will be done in cooperation with ZAMNORDIC of Denmark, Europe. The program will highlight some of the following day-events:

  • Buiness presentations and showcasing: By Zambian-Germany government officials and private sectors CEOs, and the non-profit organisations(NPOs).
  • Business partnerships and investments in Zambia and vice-versa.
  • Business interractions and exchanges.
  • Foods and beverages.
  • Entertainment: Comdedy, music, karaoke by VIPs and others (Choose your song and let's hear you sing!
  • Fundraising for the needy/vulnerable youth in Zambia and have them access free tertiary education.
  • And more!


In Zambia, the first intake of the University Foundation Course(UFC) and Old People Care(OPC) learners are geared to taking on their final exams this year in Septermber. Students who will qualify at UFC level will proceed onto the undergraduate study at Central International University-CIU or any other university of their own choice.

By mid-August the mock results in UFC and OPC will be released to all the students who sat for their exams as a tester leading to the main final papers.