Entry Qualification: 

To enroll for the UFC, you need to posses good grades (1 - 6) in at least 5 Ordinary Levels (O-Levels)  

or equivalent such as IGCSE, GCSE, etc.

-In case you have not yet received your O-level certificate/ statement of results  you can still 

apply using your Mock Exam results - then later submit the actual results immediately they are out.

- Or you have passed succesfully a Skill and Vocational Course (SVC)! Then you have automatically 

qualified to access the UFC



 Start of the Course: 

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This is equivalent to the traditional A-Levels that prepare a learner for a specialized bachelor’s degree course.

The UFC has the following pathways:

(A) Science & Technology Stream (STS)
Modules: Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology(IT), German.

(B) Humanities & Business Stream (HBS)
Modules: Business, Sociology, Economics, General English, Information Technology (IT), German.

Study Duration & Progression

Either pathway taken above takes a duration of 12 months. Successful students proceed onto the desired 

specialized bachelor degree courses at the Central International University-CIU within Zambia.

UFC Assessing Board
The UFC is taught and assessed by Diversity Learning Institute-DLI  in partnership with Central International

University-CIU, based in Germany and also registered in Zambia.

Teaching Method: Both full and part-time.

UFC Target Group
1. School Leavers & Public
2. In-House Learners (IHLs)
IHLs will consist of the current government or private school pupils who may be interested (only on voluntary

basis) to sign-up on any of the above study pathways.

3. IHLs Study Duration: 2 years
This will attract the school active grades 11, and 12s. Since these pupils are already occupied with their normal 

school calendar, which we would not like to disturb, those signed up on the UFC study will be taught on part-time 

after their normal school hours. They will attend our classes only once or twice in a week. Each teaching day will take 

only 45 to 90 minutes. This means that their UFC study will take a duration of 2 years.

For Entry Qualifications, Sponsored Fees, and Application Process, DOWNLOAD the BROCHURE on the link below:


Student Campus Rules
For details about the student rules and conduct, click the link below: